sound by Beto Bertolini, CD Brazil Sound Scape - Play Nature
Restoration, Art, Quality of Life


In recent years, World concern and importance given to environmental preservation has been on the rise. This concern is interweaved in all sectors of life, from health and quality of life to economic issues, finding its way from the political to the social arena.

Regarded for its land significance and vast forests, including the Rain Forest among them, Brazil is the center of World attention concerning environmental preservation and the handling and conservation of forests. The issue is so vital that it has been shifted from the environmental and economic sphere to a strategic agenda set forth for the survival of Humankind, the Planet, and national security and sovereignty.

Taking these aspects into consideration, environmentalist Malcolm Forest, teamed up with the NGO, AMAR - Associação dos Moradores e Amigos da Reserva da Biosfera do Cinturão Verde da Cidade de São Paulo (City of São Paulo Green Belt Biosphere Reserve Neighbors and Friends Association). In this endeavor, Malcolm Forest has elaborated the Brazilian Forests Project.


The Brazilian Forests Project reforestation is inspired by the concepts raised by the FLORAM project, created from a suggestion by professor Wilfried Bach, from the University of Münster (Germany), during the 1980's. It deals with an ambitious reforestation program, which is still waiting for support and financing in order to take off in Brazil.

The Brazilian Forests Project will start with a reforestation pilot-project in the city of São Paulo, the third largest city in the World. The project, which aims to expand to other regions of Brazil, should reach 2% of reforestation or more of the Brazilian territory, in the mid term.

Reforestation in tropical areas can help considerably in global cooling. It can contribute towards better air quality and water and wildlife preservation. The Brazilian Forests Project is a sustainable development enterprise. It will help the Planet's survival. It can generate jobs and economic growth and improve life quality in the short term.


Investors from any country, but more specifically from the First World, invest in securities that will finance the plantation of tropical forests in degraded land in Brazil. It is a so-called Clean Development Mechanism.
As the forests grow they withdraw air pollutants such as CO2 from the atmosphere. Other positive things will happen. The environment becomes cooler; waterways, the ground and the underground get protection from erosion. Wildlife and local communities benefit considerably.

The reforestation securities yet to be issued incite the concept of Clean Development Mechanisms. This proposal is also included in the Global 21 Agenda, with the issuance of CO2 capture securities.Thus, relying on reforestation bonds and investments, the most polluting nations could help to support specific reforestation projects in Brazil to counterbalance the global warming.


The Brazilian Forests Project vision is that sustainable development is possible. A significant increase and restoration of the Brazilian phytomass; global cooling; the recovery of the water resources and hydrographic basins; the improvement of the hydroelectric energy generation; climatic control, protection and increase of the fauna and flora populations threatened by extinction; the protection, and promotion of the Native-American populations and cultures in Brazil can all be achieved in 10 to 20 years.


The Brazilian Forests Project has as a mission to bring awareness and to facilitate the effective implementation of the issues raised at the UN summits, the Kyoto Protocol, 21 Agenda, focusing on Brazil as the primary nation for the suggested sustainable development proposals.


The mission development takes place in two ways. In the one hand, through scientific seminars, forums, and business and project round table debates and finance summits. On the other hand, art employed as a metaphor with the Brazilian Forests Art Exhibition in road shows in some of the main capitals of the World.


- To generate a change in paradigm, bringing awareness to governments, companies, institutions, and the public at large about a need for change: from passivity to reactivity to pro-action, from necessity to possibility, building effective, solid, and real policies for forest development, global cooling and improvement of life quality.
- To generate profit gains, quality of life, and self-confidence for Brazilians.
Brazilian Forests in São Paulo, Brazil

Copyright © 2004-2012 by Malcolm Forest - Todos os direitos reservados