sound by Beto Bertolini, CD Brazil Sound Scape - Play Nature



More than just the defense and fight for the environment preservation, pro-action and paradigm shift is the essential proposal for water, air, and quality of life conservation. To reforest part of the São Paulo state and Brazil is to depart from ideology to action. Action to the extent that promoting the reforestation is also the search for donors, corporate or individual who wish to donate funds or areas that can be reforested or to invest in the reforestation securities.
To reforest the city of São Paulo, as a kick-off for national Brazilian reforestation, means to educate the citizens as well. Teach about the importance of forests for water resources, climatic control, the oxygen supply and the removal of air contaminants. Forest fire prevention and firefighting are also key issues.


The Brazilian Forest Project will have different phases and steps. Some objective, other with a subjective nature:

- Conferences and Forums.

A first forum was held in São Paulo in 2002. Conferences are planed for Brazil and the U.S.

- TV Program

- Negotiation Round Tables.

To promote the sale of securities and obtain donations.

- World Exhibitions on a road show basis. In order to promote the concepts of reforestation for a better World and promote the Brazilian Forest Project an art-metaphor is the basis for this phase.

Malcolm Forest


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